How are you doing? I hope you are as well as can be in these not the easiest times, when we all face different difficulties in a world hit by the coronavirus pandemic.
For me, travelling is still one of the things that bring me joy. Of course not travelling as we knew it so far, as I am currently in isolation in my flat in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I go out a few times a week for a walk in the nearby park or to go to the store. However, I firmly believe that right now staying at home and being safe is the right thing to do.
However, I also believe that travel restrictions do not mean that we have to stop dreaming about our next destinations, planning our travel there and exploring the world via travel blogs, vlogs, guides and also books and movies. I also like to cherish my travel memories by looking through old travel photos. Or by bringing to life all the local flavours with cooking (ok, I admit that I prefer the eating part) typical dishes from countries I visited. Nowadays, also all my travel souvenirs bring a smile on my face. Like eating a fruit from the bowl I bought in my recent trip to Uzbekistan. Or snuggling on my couch with a blanket I got in a local market in Cusco, Peru. And I started learning a new foreign language, that I hope will come in handy on my future travels.

With my wanderlust being over the roof, I have already started planning some local trips I will make once it is safe to go out and explore more than just our neighbourhoods. But I am also thinking further along and making a list of regional and intercontinental destinations I would love to visit.
I know that travel will probably never be exactly the same as it was prior to coronavirus. On one site, there will be new safety travel measures aiming at maintaining our health. Also having a good travel insurance will be probably more important than ever. And on the other site, the economic crisis that came with the coronavirus is already affecting the travel industry and the travellers. We can also only guess if the prices of trips will go up or down. But at the same time I sincerely hope, that after this stop in travels, we will see an increase in responsible, sustainable and ecofriendly travel that supports and respects the local communities of visited destinations. I also hope that all the places, that were just a few months back dealing with over tourism, will get to heal in this time. Because the world is a beautiful place, full of kind people and extraordinary destinations to be discovered.
So let me share which destinations made it onto my latest travel wish list. 🙂
Travelling really brought me a special appreciation of my home country. Now, especially in these difficult times, I am happy that I am Slovenian and live in such a beautiful environment. On small area of 20.273 km² we have amazing cities, rich history, gorgeous nature with mountains, lakes, sea and don’t get me even started on our culinary traditions. In the last few years I was getting better and better at discovering Slovenia. But now I am happy, that there are still some parts of it left on my bucket list. Because I believe that firstly, once it is safe again, we will travel locally. So I have put on my wish list some destinations that are just behind my home’s backyard, some new places I haven’t visited yet and some old I wish to revisit.
- Visting the Herman Potočnik Noordung Center of Space Technologies & Žička Kartuzija
- Wine tasting at Goriška Brda & exploring Nova Gorica
- Camping in Trenta valley
- Trip to city of Ptuj
- Getting the romantic photo at Špičnik

After local travel, it will be time for regional destinations. For me this firstly means Slovenia’s neighbouring countries – Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Italy – and then the wider Europe. Luckily, there is more than a lot to see on this continent and I can’t wait to start exploring.
- Trentino region, Italy
- Innsbruck, Austria
- Lithuania, Latvia & Estonia
- Ukraine & Moldova
- Turkey

Lately I love off-the-beaten track destinations. They are real and authentic, without crowds, usually have more accessible prices and offer incredible adventures. This was the spirit guiding me also with preparation of this part of my travel wish list. And even though South America is definitely a continent where I fell at home and adore and will one day explore more of it, I think after coronavirus it will be time to visit Africa again and explore some parts of Asia.
- Rwanda & Uganda
- Namibia, Botswana & Victoria Falls
- Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan
- Lebanon & Israel
- Trans-Mongolian railway trip

I would love it if you would share in the comments what destinations do you wish to visit once we will be able to travel again. 🙂
Good point on starting travel slowly. I hardly wait that mountain huts open and I continue my weekly visiting of our beautiful mountains. Of course, I need to realize my postponed trip to Japan which was canceled by this awful disease. For long shots travels there is Africa waiting for me too (Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya for start) Hope for health, time, and money to realize our dreams. Great blog post.
Thank you! Hope you will soon be able to go to the mountains and Japan! All the other destinations in Africa also sound amazing. 🙂