I am definitely a summer person, but if there has to be winter and cold, I am all for snow. This winter (so far) was not particularly snowy, at least not in Slovenia, where I live. So on the second day of New Year I packed my skies, travel insurance Assistance CORIS card and hit the slopes at Austrian ski resort Petzen.

It was my first time visiting Petzen and I was impressed by the nice ski slopes and great views over the Jaun valley, surrounding hills and villages. Pezten ski area is situated between 650 and 1900 meters above sea level, with 13.7 kilometers of ski slopes available for every type of skier – easy, intermediate and difficult. Firstly you take a cable car to get to 1700 meters and then you can enjoy skiing with a view.

I have to admit that beside skiing I also love the resting and relaxing part. I like taking the time for a cup of tea or hot chocolate, enjoying the sun, observing other skiers and admiring snowy nature. And on the 2nd of January it was a perfect weather for such activities. With sunny day and no wind I was able to sunbath in front of one of the ski restaurants in Petzen. And they are all picturesque Alpine houses which is definitely a plus for a great atmosphere.

As I am not particularly good skier, unfortunately I don’t ski as much as I would want to, I am glad that at all times my travel insurance Assistance CORIS has my back in case anything would happen. Of course while skiing you have to be careful, pay attention to other skiers and use a proper equipment with helmet. However, if there is an accident, the same as with all other travels, it is of utmost importance to have good travel insurance. The costs of healthcare can sky rock, especially in case you need a helicopter ride from the ski slopes or stay in a hospital.
If you are European and ski in a country within European Union also the European Health Insurance Card applies. However, it covers only part of the costs as it takes average cost of services in your country and in foreign country health care can be more expensive. Also it does not cover the cost of transfer to Slovenia, a visit at private health center or cost of helicopter ride from ski slopes to the hospital (which can be for example between 4.000 or 8.000 euros in Austria or Italy) as the Assistance CORIS travel insurance does.

It is really easy and quick to arrange Assistance CORIS travel insurance online. I have their yearly travel insurance for more than 20 years now and they have helped me in many cases. Check out here what happened when I got sick while travelling in Mexico. Last years I am also using their travel cancellation services, click here for more details.
I wrote this article in collaboration with Assistance CORIS, however, all opinions are always my own and I genuinely recommend and regularly use their services.