Slovenia, 20th of November 2017
Happy birthday dear Marshmallow Travels!
It has been a year since your first blog post was published. And what a year it was!
We went through more and less productive times, from months when we published blog post every few days, to months with let’s just say less new content. We tried blogging from the road and documenting old travel memories. How much fun was remembering all the gorgeous beaches on Boa Vista, climbing the volcano in Pucón or driving on the right side in United Kingdom!
Firstly, we struggled a bit with convincing Google to put us on its radar and then with getting to know the basics of SEO, HTML and CSS. We gained many new social media, photo editing and writing skills. Probably we are still far away from having things all figured out, but we are on the way of learning it for sure.
We visited and documented travels to many interesting countries. Just remember our six weeks in South Africa & Swaziland, all the delicious food we ate in Madeira or how we learned to cross the streets of Cairo!
Can’t go remembering our year without mentioning the amazing people we met on the road and great companies we collaborated with.
Thank you for all the amazing adventures we had!
For this next year I wish you to visit many incredible destinations, publish more blog posts, collaborate with interesting people and leave your mark!
Yours truly,
I wish, you can find time also to document all your previous travels. Of course congrats for building and maintain such a wonderful blog.
Thank you Dad! 🙂