So I googled “how to start a travel blog” and here we are. 🙂
Ok, I admit, I also thought about it for some time, made a plan how to do it and lost a lot of nerves with all the technical stuff. However, now, almost at the end of the start, I can say I am happy I did it!
I hope you will find some interesting content here and please excuse any mistakes, for I am not a native English speaker. I will also slowly add more content to this blog, because good content takes time. But for starters you can read something about me or check out which destinations I have already visited.
This is it for now, I am hurrying to go and write some more travel related content, so all I want to say is welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by!
Čestitke ob začetku! Veselim se že nadaljnjega branja tvojega bloga! 🙂
Hvalaaa! 🙂